Seaside Rugs!

Whether you live by the shore or are inland, your home can reflect the love of all things nautical.  An easy update for any room is a new rug.  Big or small, solids or stripes, cotton or braided – there are so many nautical and sea inspired rug themes to add the nautical touch you may be looking for.  I generally do not like to cover a beautiful hardwood or tile floor, but the right size rug will anchor your room design.  There are so many areas to use  beautiful and fun nautical rugs so let your inner designer come out!  Remember, your feet need someplace to wipe the sand off!!!!


Monday Blues

Today we pay homage to all things beautiful and blue! The color blue has proven itself to be timeless, classic, and effortlessly chic both in the home and in your closet.

I love the color blue and try and incorporate it as much as possible with paint, fabrics, floor coverings, pillows and accessories for the home. I also like to incorporate blue tones into my clothes, shoes, jewelry and even my nail polish!

Today I would like to share with you some of my favorite blue things! I hope you enjoy and do not be afraid to use blue in your next project!